How to Get a Loan with Bad Credit

A blemish on your credit history can make it more difficult to get approved for a loan, but you do have options. If you need a financial solution that won’t rule you out based on past mistakes, the good news is there are lenders who will still consider your application. In this article, we look […]
New Rules On Your Payment Summary (Group Certificate)

Employers have to give employees a summary of their income for the past year at the end of each financial year (EOFY). This is ‘payment summary’, also known as ‘group certificate’ or ‘pay as you go (PAYG) payment summary’. Payment summaries are required by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for record-keeping. for employer for employees […]
Managing Your Centrelink Income

One of the many benefits of living in Australia is our country’s welfare system, Centrelink. Although it provides a financial safety net when you’re underemployed or unemployed, living purely on Centrelink income can be tough, but not impossible with careful budgeting. If all else fails in the short term, we do offer loans for those […]